In order to keep our users safe, an identity check needs to be performed for your account before transactions in the marketplace can take place. All identification documents must be submitted during our KYC process – we do not accept emailed copies of your identity documents for verification.
All data submitted is encrypted and privately stored through a trusted 3rd party identity provider.
The KYC process can be started after joining the nWayPlay service by clicking on a link in your nWayPlay profile and selecting the link.
Next you will be asked to supply identification documents.
Upload these to your phone
Send a secure ink to your phone
After submitting your documents a <verification pending> will show up in your profile right under your user's name. When you pass verification you will be guided through the wire transfer and review process. You cannot resubmit a KYC request while your initial request is pending.
Warning. Be careful to upload clear, readable documents (DL, PP) and photos with nothing cut off or blurry. Doing so will cause it to fail and ask you to try again. Then become super careful as the identification software will block the KYC process after two fails and will direct you to nWayPlay Customer Service who can tell you why the fail is happening and help you get verified.
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